Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Fifth Post

A big shout out to all my bros and bro-ettes! Hope all is well in the land of you guys :)
I think you may find the following post will reflect my mood at the moment - quite happy, no I don't have a job yet but I have found great satisfaction in the work I have been doing this last week, editing Dale's film 'Fall To Earth' and of course making the weekly videos for Church such as 'Don't Do That Timmy' and 'Knowing Me, Knowing Your Youth Leader'. Its amazing how much easier it is to be unemployed when your working hard out the whole time :)

So what else has been happening lately in the world of Doug you may ask?
Um well lets see, on Tuesday I delivered 7 showreels of mine to 7 different media related companies, haven't heard from any of them yet but am gonna get on to them this week.
Also I have another potential leads for a job so hears to hearing back from them :)
Another real cool thing is that Go East Productions is announcing the long awaited release of 'Hostile Takeover' a feature film that was started in 2001. All the components that are needed to finish the film have finally arrived so stay tunned for the offical release date.

Something coming up is my graduation from DVPP, now as far as I know I'm the only one in my class who is going to the ceremony, however the cool thing is that my old class from TV Block are graduating the same day so we can all be there together, my family are also coming up so it will be great fun.

Well thats all really for the moment hope you all have a good week and for the record I have made a new post b4 the Honourable Lord Biggus - snap! :) (Just joshing Biggus :) )
Keep it real guys!


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