Thursday, March 01, 2007

The 11th Post - The EPIC UPDATE!

Me, Rich and Neil at our DVPP BBQ at Christmas

Hey guys!
Hows it goin?
Yes I know its nearly been a year since I have updated this blog and I'm sorry about that, I have no excuses apart from I just didn't have the time to do it any more. This has changed however and I'm going to do my upmost to keep it up to date from now on.

So whats been happening in the last few months? Well quite a bit actually. I have continued through my internship at Gogglebox Productions and in nine days I will be finsihed, rather exciting. Also me and Michelle have now been together for over a year which is crazy cause it only feels like a couple of months we have been together. My older brother Pete is now engaged and is getting married next february, Casino Royale came out and was so epic I enjoyed it so much I really wanna see it a fifth time but whether I can before it finishes is another story all together.

An epic Teaser Poster of Casino Royale

Daniel Craig in action as the new 007

007 in action saving an airliner from terrorists!

Bond and Vesper in Elevator before an epic fight scene

Bond getting a breifing from M

I did have a very good Christmas and holiday, I went home to see the folks and on my way down the Civic decided to slip its clutch which forced me to break down in Timaru of all places, only two days before I had taken it into the garage to get a wheel bearing replaced so it was like the Civic was getting way too many Christmas presents that year. In the end I came to a hard decision: To sell the Civic and buy a new car, thats right I have new wheels! I managed to get a 1997 Honda Prelude for a very nice price indeed so it feels like a very EPIC upgrade!

Pedro the night before he was shipped off to Auckland

My flatmates have also changed, Marcus got married and Crowther headed to Germany to fix watches etc. What happened to Pedro? He has travelled to Auckland to be with Crowther's younger brother Elliot, so I'm sure hes having fun there, we do miss him though.

I have also posted some of my videos on YOUTUBE if you want to go check them out go to:

Thats all for now, but I will update more frequently than I used to, hope all is well!


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