Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Sixth Post

Hey guys!

Hows it goin? Hope your week has been as much fun as mine has been.
Well were should I start? I guess we should rewind a couple of days to last week to when I last posted. Last friday I had graduation with my old class at broadcasting school, it was very fun! I was of course getting my DVPP diploma, only one of my classmates from DVPP was there, a shame more of you couldn't turn out, Richard and Neil I know you were there in spirit! :)

The ceremony went for a very long time and of course some of it was boring however there was some cool bits. Also my family came up so it was all fun and games, they got to meet Michelle and her family so it was a busy and tiring weekend. My brother brought up some more playstation games for me to play, so I have not been bored this week :)

So the job front, whats new you may ask? Well rather interesting you may find, I got a call from Hirequip needing someone to fill in for a little while and you guessed it I have accepted. Only for a couple of weekends.

On another super cool note thanx to a super cool Biggus I landed myself a Nintendo 64 for free! It has 3 controllers and 4 games including mario cart, at this present moment 'm trying to win an auction on Goldeneye of course the game making having a nintendo a must!

Got Easter Camp next weekend so thats gonna be a heap of fun! I can't wait!
Um I think thats all for the moment, hope all is good wit u guys!

Stay Classy!



Richard said...

The graduation looked like a lot of fun man! I now wish I had gone. Good to hear you are enjoying the Nintendo! I have been playing lots of Return of the King and Unreal Tournament 2003 at home on my PC. Went and saw Spike Lee's lastest joint 'Inside Man' last night. It's a really cool film! Go see it. Tomorrow I am off to see Return of the King at the Embassy! Sooo sweet! Also, at Tep Papa the LOTR exhibition is returning for one last time. It opens Easter Weekend. Got any plans for Easter? My bros are coming up to stay. Also, the Armageddon Expo is opening on April 29-30... but the guests look pretty shit. You pretty much have to be into Dragon Ball Z to enjoy it. Although... a hot chick off Serenity will be there.

Richard said...

Doug - what will you be doing at Easter Camp? Camera? Editing?

Doug said...

Hello my friend, at Easter Camp I will be editing and camera, its all rather exciting, ur right Amegeddon does look crap, DEATH TO DRAGONBALL Z!!!!!


Richard said...

Doug - this is Denali here. Your blog is really cool!