Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Fourth Post

Hey guys, hows it goin?

Well its been an emotional rollercoaster of a week for the old Dougster, after finding out that he didn't get the job with a certain production company he didn't quite know what to do, after a couple of days of quiet reflection (playing copious amounts of James Bond on playstation) he came to a revelation: That is to go back to the farm in southland and give up the whole video/film dream.....

Nah, just kidding! Actually I'm donning my Cammo and goin on a full out assualt to land an internship, poor Michelle - her boyfriend is an unemployed bum! Nah not really as I have got a lil' bit of paid work editing a short film for a mate so its all good :) I have also got another couple of job prospects within the next couple of weeks so all going well we will be sweet :)

Certain individuals have made it known that they are not impressed with the speed of some of these posts are arriving online. Well all I can say is that I'm sorry Biggus but yes I have been quite busy :) Not so many moonlit walks on the beach as you may think, I'm currently attempting to make 2 videos a week for church which can be demanding depending on how EPIC we choose for it to be.

In the upcoming events on the Doug Bulletin Board we have really only two things: One graduation, the Thomson Clan is coming up to witness their middle son recieve some sort of qualification, will be very good indeed to see em as I haven't since January. The other big event coming up is of course Easter Camp and thanks to the help of Sprooce I have been able to join the A/V team for it, its gonna be so much fun :)

Well I think really thats all for now, hope this post finds you all well :)
Take it easy!


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