Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Third Post

Hey Guys!

Well here we are again, whats been happening this week?
I can't say that much has actually happened since the last post. As I mentioned in the last post I had an interview with Whitebait TV and they gave me some trial work to do. So last Monday to Wednesday I went in there and did what I needed to do. It was really cool in there, everyone was really nice and I had a great time working on the tasks I was set. The first day was a little daunting though but we got there in the end, Jason was cool he kept on calling me 'Big Guy' it was funny. Apart from being at Whitebait for the start of the week it was life as usual, Dale and Neil came around and we played Star Wars Trivial Pursuit, it was a blast. Of course there were a few heated discussions about some answers and a war nearly broke out but it was all good. I think thats all at the moment, stay tuned for the news on my job!

Stay cool!



Neil said...

I challenge you, Doug, to James Bond trivial pursuit. Bring it big guy!

Richard said...

(Read in a mexican accent)...Thank you Doug for making my wildest dreams come true. You are a true friend who I will cherish forever. I hope you and your female companion will be very happy together. I am off now to seek out my fortune in south american gold. I know that we will see eachother again sometime. Farewell my pale-skinned caucasian friend... until next time.

Doug said...

Gee, thanks guys.

Wow what a great audience :)