Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Second Post

Hey guys! Hows it goin?
Well its been a very busy last couple of weeks for me, you may wonder how someone who is unemployed at the moment is flat out busy, I will tell you. I have been looking for a job that is suited to my degree which is Televsion/Film, there isn't much going on in Christchurch however. So I finished off my showreel and then got a phone call out of the blue from whitebait (they make what now?) and they wanted me to come in for an interview. I went in for the interview and showed them my show reel, then they decided to give me a few tasks to do for them, such as edting togther some promos for the show. I have one task left and this is this morning, I have to go in and work with Jason Gunn and edit one last promo. Its all pretty nerve racking but I very muchly want the job, if I don't get it I guess its back to the drawing board.
Apart from job hunts I have been busy doing stuff for my church like videos, this year my church video load has doubled so rock n roll, its fun and stuff but soon I will be training an aprentice (or Padawan) to do the editing on at least one of the videos so I have more time to do other things. This whole weekend just been I have been doing camera for a mate on his latest film, we got some real epic shots like Michael Bay styles! On the saturday the weather was extremely wet and then on the sunday it was extremely hot and now I'm badly burnt :( It was great fun though :) Thats really all the news this week, stay tunned to find out wether I get that job! Oh yes and Richard your request has been granted above is a pic of me and Michelle at Okeans Bay the other weekend

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